Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

Cara Membuat Xapo Wallet Dompet Bitcoin

Kabar gimana nih? Sehat ya pasti..
Bitcoin nya gimana? Udah dapet banyak?
Alhamdulillah dah kalo udah banyak..Jangan lupa sedekah ya..Donasi seiklasnya aja...hiihihii
Kali ini saya mau kasih info. Info tentang alternatif wallet gitu. Namanya "Xapo". Wallet ini beda loh. Wallet ini nyediain debit card buat nasabahnya seperti atm gitu deh hahaha udah mirip bank banget ya. Wallet ini juga ngasih bonus buat yang baru daftar sebesar 50 Bits dan bonus untuk menghubungkan akun pesbuk 50 Bits juga. Jadi total 100 Bits mas bro, atau setara dengan 0.0001 BTC. Lumayan buat pencari receh. Heheehe....

Mau daftar gak? Daftar dong ya? Hahaha

Nih step-step nya kalo mau buat akun di sana:
1. Buka webnya, kalo mau jadi referral saya klik DISINI , kalo tidak mau jadi referral saya klik DISINI.
2. Isi data-data yang real ya soal nya mau di buat debit card. Tapi kalo gak minat debit card nya jg gak papa kok.
3. Tentukan kode PIN juga Kode PIN ini dipake buat Log In nantinya.
4. Verifikasi email untuk mengaktifkan akun.
5. Selamat akun anda sudah jadi. Anda juga mendapatkan 50 Bits sebagai bonus.

6. Jangan lupa hubungkan dengan akun pesbuk untuk mendapatkan 50 Bits lagi.

Yak sekian dulu infonya, Kalo masih bingung atau kurang jelas, silahkan tinggalkan komentar.
Jangan lupa donasi ya ke 1YRrhBc3hVBSRzvLondq4uCdrY1oYAEpZ xixixixixi

5 komentar:

  1. gan, cara ngisi Address Line 1 & Address Line 2 gimana ya? wktu mau Pay. . . soalnya ane salah terus, tlong bntuan & infonya. . . Terima kasih

  2. cara ordernya gimana ya mas card nya?

  3. Peace be upon you...
    Good Morning All,

    Today is the day

    We have now officially launched! Thanks to everyone who was waiting for us with our email listing, we hope to hear from you guys soon! As a welcome bonus, we have upped our affiliate offers meaning you can now make 25% off your friends, family, pets joining and investing through us! All miners have now been switched over to dedicated 1GBit lines for the best speeds and great uptime. I would just like to thank you for your patience with us as we did strike a few problems down the line, these problems should now be fixed, but remember, if you see anything that doesn't look right, please report it as soon as possible.

    Good news! Today, after a long wait we open our new datacenter, located in Frankfurt with over 32GH/s Mining power as a thank you for your support we will now be offering 15KH/s free mining power to anyone who signs up, and to all of our existing customers. Enjoy guys! Feel free to leave a support ticket if you face any problems when using our Frankfurt datacenter. We don't know what issues we may face, but we are prepared and ready to fix them as soon as they are faced!

    Please Click the Link below..

    Good Luck!

    My Alloh Bless you all

  4. Peace be upon you...
    Good Morning All,

    Today is the day

    We have now officially launched! Thanks to everyone who was waiting for us with our email listing, we hope to hear from you guys soon! As a welcome bonus, we have upped our affiliate offers meaning you can now make 25% off your friends, family, pets joining and investing through us! All miners have now been switched over to dedicated 1GBit lines for the best speeds and great uptime. I would just like to thank you for your patience with us as we did strike a few problems down the line, these problems should now be fixed, but remember, if you see anything that doesn't look right, please report it as soon as possible.

    Good news! Today, after a long wait we open our new datacenter, located in Frankfurt with over 32GH/s Mining power as a thank you for your support we will now be offering 15KH/s free mining power to anyone who signs up, and to all of our existing customers. Enjoy guys! Feel free to leave a support ticket if you face any problems when using our Frankfurt datacenter. We don't know what issues we may face, but we are prepared and ready to fix them as soon as they are faced!

    Please Click the Link below..

    Good Luck!

    My Alloh Bless you all

  5. Peace be upon you...
    Good Morning All,

    Today is the day

    We have now officially launched! Thanks to everyone who was waiting for us with our email listing, we hope to hear from you guys soon! As a welcome bonus, we have upped our affiliate offers meaning you can now make 25% off your friends, family, pets joining and investing through us! All miners have now been switched over to dedicated 1GBit lines for the best speeds and great uptime. I would just like to thank you for your patience with us as we did strike a few problems down the line, these problems should now be fixed, but remember, if you see anything that doesn't look right, please report it as soon as possible.

    Good news! Today, after a long wait we open our new datacenter, located in Frankfurt with over 32GH/s Mining power as a thank you for your support we will now be offering 15KH/s free mining power to anyone who signs up, and to all of our existing customers. Enjoy guys! Feel free to leave a support ticket if you face any problems when using our Frankfurt datacenter. We don't know what issues we may face, but we are prepared and ready to fix them as soon as they are faced!

    Please Click the Link below..

    Good Luck!

    My Alloh Bless you all
